Deborah Valentine had been a Special Forces Operative on detached service from the Air Force working for Project: P.H.A.Z.E.R. inside Iraq after the start of the war.
A recon mission went wrong and she was captured. For weeks Valentine was held prisoner by the corrupt group of rogue scientists and military that had been led by the now-deposed Saddam Hussein. What had been kept secret from the public was that the Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” program included
extraterrestrial alien technology and biological research. Valentine had been subjected to Iraqi genetic experiments with alien DNA conducted
against her will. The experiments had enhanced her body to peaks of human athletic endurance and beyond.
Her new abilities helped her overcome her captives and escape. However, the same experiments had transformed her physical features… Deborah Valentine
was no longer completely human. It was a secret she zealously guarded, even from her own teammates. Only a select few at Project: P.H.A.Z.E.R. are fully aware of her condition. She has stayed with the facility out of necessity.
Mark Moreno’s research into alien technology and biology held the promise of a cure for her. Her powers and unique perspective made her the perfect test subject for specialized armor and weapons code-named: Agent Three Zero. Now the front line against alien incursion, Valentine stands ready to defend Project: P.H.A.Z.E.R. and Earth with her life.